Precision-targeted, smart therapies to conquer the world’s most intractable diseases.
Genetic medicines could read the cell’s profile to only make medicines
for targetable cell signatures in vast, multi-dimensional transcriptomic datasets
and engineer regulated genetic payloads that can read and respond to their environment
only desired cells within the body with utmost accuracy
Radar Therapeutics is pioneering a new treatment modality: precision-expressed mRNA-based therapeutics.
Founded by pioneers in synthetic biology from leading institutions, Radar Therapeutics leverages the explosion in single-cell transcriptomic data, advances in our understanding of RNA-editing enzymes, and simple, elegant logic gates to make “smart” mRNAs. Our mRNAs can read the information a cell has to offer in real time, allowing us to reprogram the right cells, at the right time.
Messenger RNA technology enables the rapid creation of new therapeutics. The technology is powerful because it can write functions into cells; however, it cannot currently read what cell type it is in before it does so. Our platform enables reading the cell state before writing a new function.
Our RADAR platform enables precision therapeutics through targeted, timely, and controlled reading of the mRNA message in just the right cells, avoiding toxic side-effects in non-target cells
Precise targeting of genetically encoded message
In vivo reprogramming eliminates costs and risks of ex vivo treatments
Ability to read the universal language—the RNA profile—that drives individual cell behavior
Professor at UC Berkeley and Director of the Berkeley Stem Cell Center and QB3-Berkeley
CBO of Scribe Therapeutics
Distinguished Scientist at GRAIL and Emeritus Professor and Chair, Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute, Cleveland Clinic
President and CEO of Ascidian Therapeutics
CSO, Sanford Laboratories for Innovative Medicine, Founding Member of the Institute for Genomic Medicine
With the increasing availability of single-cell transcriptomes, RNA signatures offer a promising basis for targeting living cells. Molecular RNA sensors would enable the study of and therapeu...
Genetic circuits that control transgene expression in response to pre-defined transcriptional cues would enable the development of smart therapeutics. To this end, here we engineer program...